just chew it!
creating POS-material that sticks.
Role / Graphic designer
Client / Eace Gum
Industry / FMCG
Deliveries / POS material and OOH advertising
“POS” in 2500+ stores in 3 countries
In relation to a new product launch and penetration of foreign markets, I produced and prepared a series of floor displays and product dumpers that were rolled out and installed in more than 2500 stores across Denmark, Sweden and Norway.
My designs were implemented at, among others, "Normal" and "Netto".
“OOHM” for Festivals, sampling & social activities
As an initiative to create a higher degree of awareness and increased physical presence in the Danish cities, “Eace Gum” initiated collaborations with several huge Danish music festivals. In addition, they themselves facilitated a large number of social events in the city.
In regards to this, they needed a variety of OOH material to ensure the desired brand perception and memorable identity, which I produced for them.
Below is a selection of work I made for them.